Each time a Repug opens their mouth they betray every sentiment they hold dear. Out of the horses mouth which may be why father and son chose to marry their "mothers", have multiple affairs and go into wars under their banners of the bible. My personal hope for global warming is that us human animals go the way of the dinosaurs, if soley to eliminate the vile hateful thoughts and deeds of individuals such as this. Their hypocrisy absolutely astounds me. Abortion is a sin but murdering millions of innocents in created wars is okay? Help me!
Each time a Repug opens their mouth they betray every sentiment they hold dear. Out of the horses mouth which may be why father and son chose to marry their "mothers", have multiple affairs and go into wars under their banners of the bible. My personal hope for global warming is that us human animals go the way of the dinosaurs, if soley to eliminate the vile hateful thoughts and deeds of individuals such as this. Their hypocrisy absolutely astounds me. Abortion is a sin but murdering millions of innocents in created wars is okay? Help me!