Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Randian Story of Thanksgiving

The REAL Story of Thanksgiving

Did you know that the first [Plymouth Colony Pilgrim's] Thanksgiving was a celebration of the triumph of private property and individual initiative?

oh, really? Tell that to the Indians who bailed out these nitwits.


  1. Us whiteys just love denying the truth - I wonder why? Just the other day I was reading through the history of California and couldn't help but choke when reading that "it belonged to no one" and fell victim to rogues, bandits and anyone who had the fire power to claim it. There we are, the true history of us. Same argument worked for the whites in South Africa. It was land sitting vacant they said, the Africans weren't doing anything with it. We found no civilization at all. Now we brought religion and made them civilized. Huh?

  2. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Calling the principles of private property and individualism "Randian" is misleading. One does not have to adhere to Randian philosophy (Objectivism) ro rationally agree with the principles of private property and individualism. It would be much more accurate to label your title "Asristotlean," as Aristotle is the prime influence of Ayn Rand on this matter-as well as a great many of us who disagree with Rand's Objectivism

  3. Ah, the principle of private property. The white folks weren't keen on respecting of the property of the natives, now were they? In fact, they killed them, and stole their property. So much for private property and "individualism."

    Nice try, Anonymous - but really, this is a ridiculous story that you are trying halfheartedly to defend.

  4. Oh, dear. Anonymous came back, but I inadvertently rejected his comment. I wasn't wearing my glasses, and hit the wrong button.

    This is what he said:"Nice try"? Where's your argument, Susan? ;-)

    Your historically accurate facts of slaughter, plundering and conquest says nothing in refutation of the ethical basis of private property.

    Well, Anonymous - that's not the topic, spankypants. The topic is the historical revision of the Thanksgiving story. You tell me what private property had to do with what happened at the first Thanksgiving, and then we'll talk about it. Remember to stay on topic, spanky.

  5. Anonymous10:14 AM

    We must be talking past each other.

    Yes, Thanksgiving was not a celebration of private property and individualism. The content of your quoted comment was wrong in saying plunder, slaughter and arson of the Indians celebrates private property and individualism. It does precisely the opposite.

    However, my original comment was in regard to your title (not content or subject matter). I pointed out that labeling your title Aristotlean would be more apt for your purpose of describing the prime influence of this philosophical principle.

    Hope I cleared up where I'm coming from. I'm finished posting on this matter, you can have the last word if you'd like.
