Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Teabaglicans Want the Uninsured to Die

A short, chilling, clip from last night's Tea Party Express debate on CNN:

By all means - let's just let the uninsured die. These people are sociopaths. Ron Paul is determined to force women to serve as involuntary incubators, but once that little sprog hits the chute, it's on it's own.


  1. Do have your list made up of everything you'd like others to buy for you? Encouraging individual responsibility does not seem to be an agenda you endorse on your blog

  2. I'm not a teabagger, sparky. If you don't like my content, move on.

  3. Anonymous12:26 PM

    You drunken idiot. One nut in the audience shouts out something outrageous. Ron Paul did not say that....

    How about you ugly communists wanting to kill cops? http://www.nhteapartycoalition.org/tea/2011/10/27/dear-nancy-pelosi/

  4. It's deeply wounding to be chastised by a Ron Paul lickspittle.
