Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Reasons to DRED this Nominee

Jeffrey Rose has been nominated by Governor Hassan to head up NH's Department of Resources and Economic Development (DRED - worst acronym, ever). 

From yesterday's Union Leader:

The nomination of Jeffrey Rose, director of public affairs at BAE Electronic Systems in Nashua, to become commissioner of DRED is being opposed by Responsible Energy Action, a citizen group opposed to the Northern Pass.
In testimony filed with the council, the group claims that Rose has "consistently and publicly stated his strong, unequivocal support for the Northern Pass."

Rose was on the BOD of the Nashua Chamber of Commerce, a group that supports the Northern Pass project. The transmission lines won't be going through Nashua. Rose was still listed on the Nashua Chamber website as being on the BOD, and they say that his term ended in 2010 long before the Chamber came out in favor of the project, in 2012. Apparently they just haven't had time to update their website.


In their testimony, the Northern Pass opponents acknowledge that Rose may not be officially on the board, but say he is still associated with its position.
"Only a few weeks ago, Rose promoted the high transmission line power initiative during a Nashua chamber breakfast for legislators," they wrote. "Mr. Rose cannot undo the reality or the public perception of his prior unambiguous support for Northern Pass."

This is a big conflict of interest - and should disqualify Mr. Rose without further discussion.

What is Governor Hassan thinking? If Rose is confirmed, and the project IS approved, there are going to be hard feelings and ugly accusations that will take years to recover from. More proof that the folks in Concord don't give a damn about the north country.

But wait - there's more:

Jeffrey Rose has been working at BAE Systems since 2004, as their Director of Public Affairs. That means that he's been polishing the image of a weapons manufacturer/military contractor. BAE wouldn't exist without defense contracts.

Before that, Mr. Rose worked as a staffer for: former NH Senator Bob Smith, former NH Senator John E. Sununu, and former Congressman Jeb Bradley. All of them far right-wing Republican warmongers.

It is impossible to believe that in this state there isn't anyone else with better qualifications to head up DRED.   Mr. Rose has been involved with the Nashua Chamber and the BIA - but certainly has no personal experience with small business. He's been sucking off the government teat for years.

He's been active as a DC lobbyist for BAE - and may very well have ambitions for higher office. Why in the world Governor Hassan would choose to give this guy a leg up, with an assist from the NH Democrats is a mystery. This is eerily reminiscent of Governor Lynch giving Kelly Ayotte a second term as NH AG. We all remember how well that turned out.

The Executive Council is having a public hearing tomorrow in Concord, which means a vote will be coming soon. Please contact your Executive Council member and voice your opposition to this nominee and urge them to vote against his confirmation. I hear that Executive Councilor Ray Burton thinks Rose is okay - so if you're in Ray's district, he needs to hear from you, ASAP.

Contact information here: NH Executive Council

The public hearing is at 5:30 pm on Thursday in the Executive Council chambers at the NH State House.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:01 AM

    What is Gov. Hassan thinking indeed? I mentioned to many individuals prior to elections that by voting for her they are merely voting for a political hack who is neither Republican nor Democrat but one of our now generic politicians (like Obama). This is further proof that we live in a nation where there are no clear cut political parties and any bickering there may be is mere smoke and mirrors for us mindless masses who actually believe our vote counts for something. I'd like to be shown just one Democrat who actually has a spine. There isn't one and if there was, they'd be muscled and forced out very quickly. Amerika.
