Monday, November 18, 2013


 Charlie Pierce on Senator Kelly Ayotte's appearance this week on Meet the Press:

I have to tell you, it takes a rare performance by one of The Sunday Showz to so dominate the weekend's gobshitery that we hardly even notice that Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-Weathervane) burbled the following English substitute in response to a question on health-care from The Dancin' Master.

Well, I would say let's get to the table on a bipartisan basis and let's make sure that we have a plan that has more choice, not less. Let's have one where we're driving down costs and increasing competition. Have the insurance companies compete in a way that they aren't right now. Let's get together and figure out what are the best models from the state law on the high-risk pools to address pre-existing conditions. There are many ideas I think that we could do that won't harm people who have policies now that they would like to keep. And I think that's the problem that we're seeing, is a law that harms so many people who right now were trying to do the right thing and have health insurance, and now they're receiving these cancellation notices and higher premiums. And it seems to me that we should work together to address this health care reform instead of the way this was done on party lines.

In other words, Senator Weathervane (thank you Charlie!) wants to keep on having the same ineffectual "discussion" the GOP has been having for decades about health care. The "discussion" that involves a lot of moving lips and hot air - and absolutely no action. 

This especially offends me:

And I think that's the problem that we're seeing, is a law that harms so many people who right now were trying to do the right thing and have health insurance, and now they're receiving these cancellation notices and higher premiums. 

Apparently those of us (and yes, this group includes me) who can't afford insurance are doing the wrong thing by choosing to pay our rent instead of getting health insurance? Ayotte has had plenty to say about the folks whose insurance is cancelled, but she's never expressed any interest in or concern for those of us who can't afford health insurance. 

The GOP health care plan: DIE, POORS! 


  1. Please ask Ms. Ayotte ( who ran on a pro-life platform ) Ma'am, currently pregnancy counts as a pre-existing condition under many ins. policies, and will not ins. pregnant women. The ACA eliminates this discriminatory practice. Explain how opposing this is pro-life please. Take your time, i'll wait.

  2. Senator Ayotte's laundry list of things we should do to fix the healthcare mess have ALREADY been done.

    Every single item in her list was included in the discussions that created the Affordable Care Act.

    The Hospitals in NH are going to loose millions of dollars in uninsured reimbursements next year.

    Perhaps Senator Ayotte could enlighten the rest of us as to HOW she intends to deal with that very real event.

  3. The hospitals in NH are going to loose millions of dollars in uninsured reimbursements next year.

    Just wondering if Senator Ayotte could enlighten the rest of us as to HOW she intends on dealing with that very real event.

    If Senator Ayotte doesn't have an intelligent answer to that question, Perhaps the Illuminati in the State House will provide the required solution.

    Based on past events, I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for an answer.
