Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Sordid Tale of Capitalism and Hypocrisy

Senator Sanborn speaking to his constituency:


Keene Sentinel

Federal agents, assisted by Keene police, descended on a Main Street store in Keene Wednesday morning, confiscating hundreds of items as part of a national effort to target synthetic drug manufacturers and distributors.
Several agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration entered Phat Stuff at 84 Main St. shortly after 11 a.m. and served employees with a federal search warrant signed by U.S. District Court Judge Steven J. McAuliffe.

The store is owned by Panos Eliopoulos, who leases the space from state Sen. Andy Sanborn, R-Bedford. Neither Eliopoulos nor Sanborn could be reached for comment.
This is the same Senator Sanborn who threatened a constituent in January when he contacted Sanborn about legalizing marijuana. Sanborn later voted against a bill to legalize pot in NH. His convoluted logic on why he made that vote makes for a good read.
Even though Sanborn admits he's used marijuana in the past, he threatened a student, and angered his Free Stater/libertea buddies by voting against legalization. Now we know that even though he's opposed to legalization, he's not opposed to making money off those who partake. 

Union Leader story never mentions the fact that Andy Sanborn owns the building. NH media never misses an opportunity to protect the GOP.

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