Saturday, June 14, 2014

Asha Kenney Running for Register of Deeds

Asha Kenney is running for Register of Deeds! 

That's one way to solve the County Commissioner problem. 
Carroll County Commissioners Want to Oust Asha Kenney

This, by the way, is a woman who, as secretary of the group, was incapable of taking the minutes of County Commission meetings. 

A reminder of the kind of public servant Mrs. Kenney has been: 


  1. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Wow - what an extraordinarily dysfunctional individual this woman is. It's nothing short of mortifying to watch her. She raises her shoulder, moves her eyes and spits out her words. She's angry to the point of appearing anti-social. People are kind and courteous to her which apparently she doesn't deserve.

  2. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Asha Kenney takes the "fun" right out of dysfunctional. She is a disrespectful, malicious termagant. She has no real estate, law, or deeds background or experience. If her years as a County Commissioner are any indication, she has zero respect for historical documents or for her colleagues. This woman is clearly disturbed, unstable, pathologically incapable of honesty, and unfit for public service.

  3. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Truly a completely unprofessional board The Chairman let constituent so called berate and pose questions better suited for a campaign rather than conduct County business sorry for all the residents of that county a board of buffoons
