Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Where is all that Koch money going, Marilinda?

District 2 Congressional candidate Marilinda Garcia is reportedly on the Koch gravy train. She sure isn't spending it on her headquarters. Those window signs aren't readable from the street. Just the sad lawn sign sort of hanging there. 


  1. She's not too bright, but she's almost as pretty as Kim Kardashin. Yeah, I know, that's a sexist remark, but I don't see much difference between the two.

  2. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if coke money went to helping our fellow humans? Housing, education, health care. And gosh, perhaps, even, dare I think it, helping children? You know, because they can't help themselves? Ridiculous. In the real world we inhabit, money must be used to purchase politicians, build McMansions and high walls to keep US out. It must be used in its corrupting and ghastly fashion to create more misery and hell, death and destruction. For as wealthy and rich a nation as we are, we do enjoy a heck of a lot of chaos and hatred. Go figure.
