Friday, February 27, 2015

New Hampshire's Rising Star

NH Senator Kelly Ayotte was the keynote speaker at the GOP conference in Missouri known as Reagan-Lincoln Days. Senator Ayotte is regarded as a rising star within her party, a party desperate to present itself as women friendly, despite all evidence to the contrary. 

From the Kansas City Star:

Keynote speaker Sen. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire criticized Obama for foreign and domestic policy decisions, including problems in Ukraine and the Middle East.
“We need to take this presidency in 2016,” she told the group.
She also criticized the Affordable Care Act, referring twice to “800 million taxpayers” sent faulty notices as part of the program.
The figure was incorrect. The administration said this week it has sent out 800,000 bad notices, not 800 million.
There are roughly 320 million people in the United States.


photo from the Nashua Telegraph

Read more here:


  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    You said it - a BIG OOPS! It doesn't matter anymore who says what it seems - as long as their very own agendas are met. And let's not forget the most important factor. ANYONE can run for office as long as you are a multi millionaire and can pay your way through the ranks. Also knowing how to nod in only one direction, that being up and down equals being in like Flint. The best govt. money can buy!

  2. I don't think Kelly is a millionaire…YET. But I'm sure she could easily become one as long as she continues to say what her masters tell her to say.

  3. What is the net worth of Kelly Ayotte?

    According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the average net worth of this member of Congress in 2012 was $1,155,006. This number was reached by subtracting liabilities from the full range of reported assets that year, resulting in a maximum possible net worth of $1,774,999 and minimum net worth of $535,014 (the minimum net worth is because her husband apparently bought a bunch of new trucks that year, which lowers tax liability due to interest subtractions). Kelly Ayotte is a slightly better speaking version of Palin. somewhat attractive, but vacant & willing to do anything for wealth & fame

  4. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Lee Enigma, great info. many thanks, and agreed. Ayotte has better vocab. than Palin but they are cut from the same mold.

  5. Brian Loudermilch1:05 PM

    Be nice to Kelly Ayotte.

    Being a Money grubbing whore for the Koch Brothers is a HARD Job.

  6. Anonymous12:41 PM

    ... as opposed to Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer being money-grubbing whores for George Soros - right, Brian?
