Wednesday, February 17, 2021

From Libertarianism to Authoritarianism - Free Staters in the NH House

Remember this meme? Back in the olden days, when the Free State Project first started colonizing NH, they used to tell us this all the time. They don't bother any more. It wasn't true then, and it sure as hell isn't true now. They claim to be opposed to authoritarianism, but that's only because they want to BE  the authoritarians. 

Over the years the Free Staters  have become increasingly allied with the NH Republican Party. Over the last 4 years, they were happy to join the Trump wing of the NH GOP. There's little difference between the alleged libertarians and the Trumpers at this point, and nowhere has that been more apparent than with this bill, HB 544. It's titled: An Act Relative to the Propagation of Divisive Concepts. 

The sponsors are Representatives Keith Ammon, of New Boston, Glenn Cordelli of Tuftonboro, and Jason Osborne, of Auburn.

What are these divisive concepts that these men are so worried about? It seems these three fellows are offended by any talk of oppression on the base of race, ethnicity, or gender. There is no more racism, no bias, no more sexism in the workplace - or anywhere else, because we've fixed all that!  It's time to move on.  They want to make sure that these topics won't be brought up in NH schools, state agencies, or any aspect of government in the state, including cities and towns,  and labor unions. Any diversity training would have to be pre-approved by the Department of Administrative Services. No contractors could be used by schools or state agencies that did not agree to these terms. 

They are especially concerned about being held accountable for actions committed in the past. The Three Wise White Men don't want to be tied to the past. We've fixed all that now. There is no more slavery. Heck, we gave you girls the vote - stop yer whining!  We are all equal now. Who would know that better than three white guys living in NH? 

It's amusing to see this band of libertarians not only cracking down on free speech, but dictating to every aspect of government in our state what is permissible and what is not. 

The bill had a hearing last week that had to be recessed because of time constraints. I've watched the video, and Rep. Ammon claims he filed the bill at the urging of an unnamed NH college professor, who is afraid of a backlash if he were to be identified. I think Ammon created a fictional character to distract us from the fact that HB 544 is cribbed, nearly word for word from former president Trump's Executive Order 13950 which was issued in September 2020. President Biden revoked the order on his first day in office. 

Last week's hearing was on Thursday, February 11, in the NH House Executive Departments and Administration Committee. They take up HB 544 at about an hour and 31 minutes in.

The hearing will begin again on Thursday, the 18th, at 1:30 PM. 

Free State Project mover and Representative Jason Osborne, who wants to dictate speech in government, is the House Majority Leader. His Twitter account is locked. So much for freedom. Keith Ammon has me blocked, because my free speech annoys him. One could almost get to thinking that these doughty fighters for freedom are really very tender blossoms. 

THIS is what authoritarianism looks like. 

*Be sure to read the bill and compare it to Trump's Executive Order

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