Saturday, October 17, 2020

Governor Sununu Endorsed a Secessionist!


This is Carla Gericke, who is running for the New Hampshire State Senate, with Governor Sununu. 

This is Carla's job. She's the President of the Foundation for NH Independence, an organization dedicated to secession. Before that, she was the president of the Free State Project, a group whose stated mission is to take over and dismantle the NH state government, then threaten secession. 

You may be seeing a pattern... 

This is Carla on April 18 in front of the NH State House, posing with some Boogalooers who are part of the New England Minutemen militia. (Photo by @granitepolitics

On April 18, a group called Reopen NH had a rally to protest Governor Sununu's handling of the pandemic. 

As you can see in this photo, Carla is a part of the "Tyranny Response Team." The tyrant in question? Governor Sununu. 

 One would think that the governor endorsing a secessionist would be a big, honking news story, especially a secessionist who has called him a tyrant!  

One would be wrong. 

The incurious NH media continues to tenderly protect and cosset our governor.  


Paul Gunter said...

My cyber-security system, Norton LifeLock, blocks all links to the Foundation for NH Independence warning "This is a dangerous website." Thanks for tagging. How much does Sununu know about messing with a security threat?

Jon Hopwood said...

I hear Ms. Grok-y [SIC] was born in South Africa.... Perhaps she's influenced by the model of white apartheid South Africa, where in 1970, black South Africans were stripped of citizenship and assigned them to one of ten "Homelands", a.k.a. "Bantustans." (There were an additional 10 Bantustans in Namibia, then called South West Africa, and under South African administration.)

Reportedly, Bedford Town Council Member Phil Greazzo (a "Friend of Free Staters" -- a legal designation agreed to by critics after threats of litigation, I hear) -- when he was living on Manchester's West Side (and was alderman from Ward 10 for two terms) -- wanted the West Side to secede and become it's own city.... Sources say that the Free Staters have targeted Ward 11 for takeover... The Manchester CITY GOP is headed by a Free Stater, many of whom are anarchists who want to make themselves the state.

Perhaps Carla Gericke really wants to create a separate city-state out of Manchester's West Side. The only question is:

Will it be bilingual (the West Side historically is the French Canadian section of Manchester and French was spoken by many inhabitants), and will the other language be French or Afrikaans?