Some Swiss filmmakers made a documentary called Bottled Life that examines Nestle's corporate ethics and morals, and takes a look at how Nestle destroyed the community of Fryeburg, by pitting residents against one another. I've been following the issue for some years now. A sampling:
From Water to Kool-Aid
Judas Jobs
Poland Spring Fliers Contain Wrong Polling Hours
Now Nestle is trying to ensure that there will be NO citizen involvement in overseeing the water of Fryeburg.
10 Things You Should Know from the Bottled Life website.
The movie trailer:
Perhaps the most shocking part is that Nestle pays $10 for that tanker truck full of water, and sells it for $50,000. Fryeburg should be Eden. Instead, Fryeburg was looking at having downtown declared a slum and a blight to get federal monies to revitalize. The Conway Daily Sun, January 31, 2012.
This is a rotten business, and one NH should involve itself in, post haste. The local aquifers don't seem to understand borders and boundaries.
This is such an outrage. What is wrong with our elected leaders and legislature? Is it due to absolute corruption that nothing is protected and held sacred at all? It's ridiculous to live in 2012,and witness these types of issues ignored and natural resources thrown to the wolves of corporate giants. Thanks for staying on this issue for so many years Susan.
Very interesting read for sure. Thanks for posting it.
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